NEW FOR 2021/2022: Tracks:
LE has created a program which includes a variety of workshop tracks based on interests and skill levels. These include Intermediate and Superuser tracks along with Digital Tools in Pedagogy and Tools for Student Engagement.
Each track includes three to five workshops. Most are half an hour and all will be online. You are free to take one-off workshops or to complete full tracks. Any users who complete a full track will receive a certificate confirming this. LE workshops are available to Rice instructors of all types including graduate students and staff.
Visit the Training Center or look below for details about the new workshop tracks. Visit the Training Center for the schedule, to register, and other programming from LE for Fall 2021.
Tracks Include:
Introduction to Learning Tech at Rice
This series of workshops will introduce you to the basics of educational technology at Rice. They focus on how to use the tools while introducing basic use cases along the way. These workshops are 30 minutes in length and will be held over Zoom. 2
- Canvas 1: Navigation, Communication, and Settings: Learn to navigate/set up your course and to communicate with students.
- Canvas 2: Creating Content and Assessments: Learn to create content and assessments along with basics of grading in Canvas.
- Getting Started with Zoom in Canvas: Learn to set up course meetings and about basic Zoom settings in Canvas.
- Kaltura: Managing Videos in Canvas: Learn to upload videos, manage basic settings, and add videos to pages and modules.
- Accessibility in Canvas: Learn about the basics of accessibility in Canvas so that all students can access your course. (This workshop is 1 hour in length)
Intermediate Learning Tech @ Rice
These workshops go a step further than the introductory series. They will teach more in-depth skills and focus on why you would use these features along with a basic how-to.
- Canvas continued: Work Smarter Not Harder: Discover skills to make your course run more smoothly with less work from you.
- Kaltura continued: In-Video Quizzing, Editing, and Video Projects: Learn to use quizzes in your videos, to edit videos you upload, and to create video projects for your students.
- Zoom continued: In-Meeting Management: Acquire skills to help you manage once you start a meeting including breakout rooms, polls, participants, and more.
Become a SuperUser of Learning Tech @ Rice
In this series, participants will hear about inspirational practices from other faculty and learn about great, but little known, features and skills.
- Leveraging Canvas Features for Course Automation: This workshop will demonstrate how you can craft your course to run smoothly with less hands-on work from you during the semester. This includes giving out content on your schedule and managing student assessments.
- Using Design to Enhance Student Experience: This workshop will focus on using basic design principals and best practices to visually navigate your students through your courses.
- Outside of the Box Teaching with Tech: Get inspired with use cases and examples from faculty at Rice using Canvas to engage students in unique applications for course work.
Using Digital Tools in Pedagogy: 1 hour each and in person (if allowed)
The workshops in this series delve into ways to use educational technology to create and manage courses that use a variety of active teaching methods. Each of these workshops is an hour-long, and interactive; they model the method they focus on.
- Setting Up and Running a Flipped Classroom: This workshop will teach you how to manage the tech necessary for a flipped classroom approach where content is delivered outside of the classroom and class time is utilized for discussion, problem-solving, practice, and more. This workshop will include pre-workshop resources and an in-person meeting to put our knowledge into action.
- Employing Educational Technology in your Face-2-Face Class: Wondering what the best practices are for employing technology in your face-to-face course? This workshop will give suggestions and tips for using technology to improve student learning and instructor work load.
- Managing a Hybrid/Blended Course: This workshop will discuss blended and hybrid learning tools. It will demonstrate how to use these tools to help you manage both the online and face-2-face portions of the course.
Using Tech for Student Engagement
Looking for ways to engage your students in Face-2-Face, Hybrid, or Online classes? This series will examine a variety of tools that can assist you in encouraging student engagement no matter your main teaching methods or mode of delivery.
- Facilitating Collaboration: Create, manage, and facilitate team projects online no matter the modality of your course.
- Encouraging Participation: Use digital tools to help encourage and track student participation.
- Engaging Student Interest: Flexibility in Assignment Design: Digital tools can help you to create and run flexible assignments that increase student buy-in and engagement in the course.