In anonymous grading, graders cannot identify students associated with each submission, which helps remove gra...
Data is refreshed in New Analytics every 24 hours. Only active student enrollments are included in data for ...
General Information:
The Final Grade Override allows you to enter a final grade for students that is differ...
Have you ever wanted your students to read a certain article or file before class? Canvas has added a feature ...
Here is a simple way to import an old course to a new course.
1. Go to the new course.
2. Click the settin...
Often, we find out that a link is broken only when the entire class has seen the error and someone finally dec...
All users are now able to search for a specific author or title in the main Discussions topic page. This ...
You may need to add users to your Canvas course. You can do that as a teacher of the course by using the Peopl...
Canvas gives you two tools to contact students - Announcements & Inbox Messages. In both cases, your cours...
What does "Let Students See Their Quiz Responses" do?
Let's examine this tool and see what it exactly does to...