New Functionality in Collaborations Now Available
There is a new feature in the Collaborations tool which allows users to create Google Docs, Google Spreadsheets, and Google Presentations.
Open Collaborations

In Course Navigation, click the Collaborations link.
Start a New Collaboration

Click the Start a new collaboration button.
Select Type

In the Kind drop-down menu, select the type of collaboration you want to create. You can create a Document, Spreadsheet, or Presentation.
Add Details

To create a name for the collaboration, click the Name header [1]. The page will create a text field for you to enter the name [2].
To create a description for the collaboration, click the Description header [3]. The page will create a text field for you to enter the description [4].
Add People
The collaboration defaults to the People tab. If you want to collaborate with individual people in your course, click the name of a user you want to add to the collaboration [1]. The user’s name will move to the right side of the window [2].
Add as many users as necessary.
Note: Collaborators must have Google account and will need to authorize Canvas before they can view the collaboration.
Remove Collaborators

To remove a collaborator, click the Remove icon [1]. To remove all users, click the Remove All link [2].
Add Groups
You can also create collaborations with groups. To select an entire group, click the Groups tab [1]. Select the group(s) you want to add to the collaboration [2].
- You can select individual users as well as a group in a collaboration.
- Collaborators must have a Google account and will need to authorize Canvas before they can view the collaboration.
- You can add multiple groups to a collaboration, but all groups will collaborate in the same document. For group-specific collaborations, consider creating a new collaboration for each group or creating a group collaboration within the group.
Submit Collaboration

Click the Submit button.
View Collaboration

View your collaboration. To edit the collaboration, click the Edit icon [1]. To delete the collaboration, click the Delete icon [2].